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Black Castles Fundraising

Some photos from our past productions...

Part of what we all love about this process is doing something that our day jobs don't allow us to do. The team at Accented Films is largely comprised of people who aren't professional actors and filmmakers. We're just people who really enjoy telling stories, and we're excited to continue telling the story of Will Augustine and Nissa Arnson.

We're sure you want to know when you can see the final product! Black Castles is currently in pre-production. Our plan is to begin filming in March 2024 and wrap in September. Assuming we keep on schedule, we should be ready to host a premiere event in June 2025, and we will release the film on Sparrow by fall 2025. All that's left is to put together the funds to make it happen. And, well, we've been here before.
As is always the case with filmmaking, nothing comes for free. To tell this story right, we need to raise some money. Location rentals, set design, props, fake weapons, costumes, makeup, equipment, materials for special effects, and countless other expenses add up, and somehow, they always add up to more than we thought they would. But we haven't let that deter us... we're committed to making this happen, and we'd love to have YOU be a part of it.

Our fundraising goal for this film is $10,000. We know we can get there!

We looked at using various fundraising sites, like Indiegogo, GoFundMe, and Kickstarter, but they all take a significant cut of the funds raised. We decided to build the campaign right here, on our own website, using PayPal. We will receive all of what you donate*, and we'll use that money to help fund the production. When you click one of the buttons below, you'll be taken directly to PayPal to complete your donation. Accented Films never sees your payment details. Please note that PayPal requires a legal name to be attached to our account, which is why you'll see Robert Maynard listed as the recipient, not Accented Films. Rest assured, your donation will be considered as sent directly to Accented Films.

If you're interested in donating, but you don't use PayPal, please reach out to us at, or use the "Contact Us" page on the website.

We want to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who donates. We appreciate that you're even considering a donation to this project. We can't express how profoundly thankful we are for your faith in us. We really believe the next chapter of this story is going to be a fantastic film, and we can't wait to begin creating it. We hope you'll come along for that journey with us! For that reason, we've created a tier system. Donating at or above a certain level will guarantee you certain rewards upon completion and release of the film. Please make sure to include your email address in the payment note, so we can get in touch regarding your rewards!​

* If you, the donor, elect to add PayPal Purchase Protection by selecting "Paying for an item or service," then we'll pay a small fee. If you keep that option as the default "Sending to a friend," we'll receive everything you send us. Please note that if you choose to use a credit card, PayPal will charge you a nominal credit card fee.

Welcome back to Passant

See your name listed in the credits as a donor. 

Previously on...

Get caught up on the story so far with a free copy of Rooks, as well as all four short films, on our streaming platform Sparrow. You'll also enjoy a copy of the soundtrack and see your name in the credits.

We really owe you something special

The cast and crew will shoot a quick, personalized video addressed directly to you, just to say thanks. You'll also enjoy half-off your premiere ticket, access to the story so far on Sparrow and the soundtrack, and see your name in the credits.

We REALLY want you there!

We welcome you to the premiere event, at no charge. Enjoy a free premiere ticket, a signed poster, a personalized thank you video, access to the story so far on Sparrow and the soundtrack, and see your name in the credits.

Wanna meet us?

You tell us which cast and crew members you want to meet, and we'll set up a video chat or phone call with you. You'll also enjoy two free premiere tickets, a signed poster, a personalized thank you video, access to the story so far on Sparrow and the soundtrack, and see your name in the credits.

Continued on Disc 2

Get a digital copy of the film's musical score composed by Nicholas Pitcher and Joshua Snively. You'll also see your name in the credits.

Premiere Night is more fun with you there...

Get half-off your ticket to the premiere event when the film releases. You'll also enjoy access to the story so far on Sparrow and the soundtrack, and see your name in the credits.

Something to hang on your wall, perhaps?

The primary cast and crew will all sign a copy of the film's poster, just for you. You'll also enjoy a personalized thank you video, half-off your premiere ticket, access to the story so far on Sparrow and the soundtrack, and see your name in the credits.

Ah, so you're bringing a date, too?!

We welcome you and your plus one to the premiere event, at no charge. Enjoy two free premiere tickets, a signed poster, a personalized thank you video, access to the story so far on Sparrow and the soundtrack, and see your name in the credits.

Interested in donating more?

We certainly don't expect that, but if you think this story is a project worthy of a higher donation, please get in touch. We'll be more than happy to work with you to determine a suitable reward, and we'll ensure you're credited appropriately in the film.

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