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Robert Maynard

Rooks: Crew Spotlight on Nicholas Pitcher

Every week, we're featuring interviews with the cast and crew of Rooks. This week's spotlight is on composer Nicholas Pitcher.

Nicholas Pitcher, the composer for Rooks

Nick is another returning crew member, having worked with director Robert Maynard on the score for Crossing two years ago. About working with Robert, Nick says, “I enjoy the energy and passion he brings and the people he surrounds himself with!” The role of the composer is perhaps a rather isolated one, but Nick did have the opportunity to work closely with Robert even from the very beginning of production, building the score before many scenes were even filmed. Nick and postproduction engineer Amanda Roswick had a chance to come to set for one day as well, to help direct the musical elements of a character’s performance, and they both enjoyed the visit. “I enjoyed working on the scene and assisting where I could, and watching the actors work was exhilarating!” Nick, like so many of the crew, adores the scene set on the frozen lake… in fact, Nick wrote the music that plays for that scene very early in production, and it’s perhaps one of the most emotional pieces he’s ever written. Nick faced a new challenge for this score. He had to build a small orchestra to play the various parts. In total, he welcomed seven newcomers into the fold, and we’re excited to share more about them and their process in a future article. In the meantime, Nick continues his career in music as a bassoonist with the Air National Guard Band of the Northeast, and he’s a private lesson teacher in all instruments, mainly bassoon, piano, and trumpet. Nick’s favorite films are the Harry Potter series (he writes, “For those wondering, my favorites in order are 1, 7p2, 3, 6, 5, 2, 7p1, 4.”) and his favorite artist is Taylor Swift.

See (or rather, hear) Nick’s work in Rooks, premiering at The Strand in Dover, NH, on December 17. On Amazon Instant Video December 23.

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